
Harro Bouwmeester. Healthy from soil to gut: the effect of the soil microbiome on human health (MicroHealth). Seminar at Ekomenu Food for Health meetup, 25 May 2023, Amsterdam.

Harro Bouwmeester. Does the agricultural soil microbiome affect human health? Presentation at the 10th Beneficial Microbes Conference. 27-29 November 2023, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Harro Bouwmeester. Ondergrondse communicatie van planten. Hoe blijf je onder de radar voor vijanden en hoorbaar voor vrienden? Lezing Wessel Knoops Natuurkundig gezelschap, 10 January 2024.

Hilde Herrema. The Holomicrobiome Initiative; tapping into the potential of the microbiome to solve societal challenges. Presentation at NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting. 30 May 2024, Amsterdam UMC | locatie AMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Harro Bouwmeester. Elucidating rhizosphere signaling in crops for a sustainable agriculture. Seminar Hunan University, 23 May 2024, Changsha, China.

Hilde Herrema. Plant to gut microbiome crosstalks: implications for human health. Invited presentation 5th Plant Microbiome Symposium, 17-21 June 2024, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Harro Bouwmeester. Unravelling rhizosphere communication between plants and the microbiome for a sustainable agriculture. Invited presentation aBiotech conference, 27-29 June 2024, Kunming, China.

Harro Bouwmeester. Elucidating the communication between plants and the microbiome. More resilient crops for a sustainable agriculture. Invited presentation International Conference on Molecular Plant Sciences. 8-12 August 2024, Shanghai, China.